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A készülék nem csak a szabványos OBD csatlakozóval tud kommunikálni.

1 évig ingyenesen frissíthető.

Elérhető modulok:

ABS(anti-lock brake system), After treatment system, Airbag, Airconditioning system, ATA Anti-theft alarm system, ATA(Auxiliary heating system air-to-air), AUS(Audio system), Behr independent air-conditioning system, BMS(Brake Management System), Body control system, Bosch DENOX AdBlue System, Break control system, BWS(Preparation system), CCS(Climate control system), CLS/ATA central locking system with anti-theft alarm, Comfort/assistance/safety systems, Compressed Air Reserve system, CSS(Collision safety system), CTS(Clock and Time System), EBS(Brake System), EBS(Electronically Controlled Brake System), Electrohydraulic steering system(EHLA), EMS(Engine Management System), Engine management system, Engine System, FLA Flame starting system, GMS(Gearbox Control System), Instrumentation System, Lane departure alarm system, LAS(Lock and alarm system), LGS(Lane Guard System), MAN Marine Diagnostic System(MMDS), Meritor Wabco Brake System, MTS Modular door control system, RAS-EC1 steering system, Security System, SRS Supplemental restraint system, Suspension System, Torque converter and clutch system, TPM(Tires pressure Monitoring System), Transport Information System, Vehicle control system, Vehicle elctrical system power converter, VIS(Visibility System), VRDU Driver assistance system, WS Maintenance System, WTA(Auxiliary heating system water-to-air), ZVA Central locking system, stb..

Elérhető funkciók:

Read ECU Info, Read DTCs, Erase DTCs, Clear learning value, Data Stream, Actuations, Read freeze frame data, Read/Write VIN, Basic Reset, Control unit adaptations, Air bleeding, Level calibration, Oil change, Idle speed learning, Idle speed Adjustment, Camshaft timing control learning, Broken cylinder test, Dpf Manual Forced Regeneration, Injector Codes, stb..

Speciális funkciók:

DPF Reset, Nozzle Or Injector, Fuel Pump, Exhaust Pressure Adjustment, EGR, ECM, Vehicle Speed CONTROL, Cylinder, VIN, Write Engine Serial Number, Turbo Control


CUMMINS, VOLVO, IVECO nem támogatja a DPF-et, ha e három autóhoz ha DPF Function szükséges, ez az eszköz nem lesz hozzá megfelelő.


– Szinte minden teherautóval használaható.
– Gyári szintű diagnosztika
– Támogatja a szabványos J1939, J1708 és J1587 protokollokat
– USB és vezeték nélküli WIFI kapcsolat is elérhető a számítógép és a műszer között
– Interneten keresztül frissíthető 1 évig díjmentesen
– Beépített túlfeszültség elleni védelem
– Stabilan működik alacsonyabb és magasabb hőmérsékletek esetében is
– Windows XP/7/8/10 kompatibilis
– Windows tableten is nagyszerűen használható

Több 22 nyelv támogatása:
Angol, japán, német, orosz, francia, olasz, spanyol,
portugál, lengyel, török, holland, koreai,
cseh, arab, indonéz, perzsa, thai, vietnami, finn, svéd, román stb.

A szettet egy erős műanyag kofferben kapja meg!

1 x XTUNER T1 műszer központi egység
1 x központi kábel OBD2 csatlakozóval
1 x BENS-14 csatlakozó
1 x CAT-9 csatlakozó
1 x DENSO-12 csatlakozó
1 x DIESEL-6 csatlakozó
1 x DIESEL-9 csatlakozó
1 x ISUZU-3 csatlakozó
1 x ISUZU-20 csatlakozó
1 x IVECO-30 csatlakozó
1 x OBD-16 csatlakozó
1 x VOLVO-8 csatlakozó
1 x univerzális csatlakozó
1 x akkumulátor kábel
1 x szivargyújtó kábel
1 x USB kábel
1 X Hivatalos dokumentumok (vásárlást igazoló hivatalos magyar számla, frissítés szükséges adatok, stb…)

Angol leírás

1. Top 11 Reasons to Get XTUNER T1 Heavy Duty Truck Auto Diagnostic Tool 

1. Extensive vehicle coverage for heavy-duty trucks.

2. Complete function capability including DTC, DTC freeze Info, Live data, Actuation test and Special function .

3. Support standard protocol J1939, J1708 and J1587.

4. Supply USB and WIFI connection for the VCI.

5. New software update on the internet.

6. Supply OBDII and other 10 connector.

7. Hardware architecture uses a new design with multiple protection, interference and stability.

8. Built-in overvoltage protection module is applied, in order to protect VCI and vehicle against accidental damage during checking.

9. Can work well and stably in high and low temperature environment.

10. The genuine Windows XP/7/8/10 operating systems allows for more stable performances, better compatibility and expandability.

11. Extremely easy-to-use with touch-screen operation and intuitive operation in the windows.



2. XTUNER T1 Support Language: 

The product menu contains 22 languages, but only nine languages can be used normally, namely: English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Dutch, and other languages are not yet available. , But will provide updates later.

3. XTUNER T1 Vehicle Coverage: 
For ALLISON, for ASTRA, for BENZ, for BREMACH, for DAF, for DETROIT, for ERF, for FOTON, for FREIGHTLINER, for FUSO, for HINO, for HYUNDAI, for INTERNATIONAL, for ISUZU, for IVECO, for KENWORTH, for KIA, for MACK, for MAN, for MaxxForce, for NAVISTAR, for RENAULT, for SCANIA, for TOYOTA, for UD, for VOLVO, for WABCO, ect.
Standard OBD: Diesel OBD
4. XTUNER T1  Auto Diagnostic Tool   Function List:

Read ECU Info

Read DTCs

Erase DTCs

Clear learning value

Data Stream


Read freeze frame data

Read/Write VIN

Basic Reset

Control unit adaptations

Air bleeding

Level calibration

Oil change

Idle speed learning

Idle speed Adjustment

Camshaft timing control learning

Broken cylinder test

Dpr Manual Forced Regeneration

Injector Codes, etc.

XTUNER T1 Special Functions:

DPF Reset,Nozzle Or Injector,Fuel Pump,Exhaust Pressure Adjustment,EGR,ECM,Vehicle Speed CONTROL,Cylinder,VIN,Write Engine Serial Number,Turbo Control

5. XTUNER T1 Systems Coverage: 

ABS(anti-lock brake system), After treatment system, Airbag, Airconditioning system, ATA Anti-theft alarm system, ATA(Auxiliary heating system air-to-air), AUS(Audio system), Behr independent air-conditioning system, BMS(Brake Management System), Body control system, Bosch DENOX AdBlue System, Break control system, BWS(Preparation system), CCS(Climate control system), CLS/ATA central locking system with anti-theft alarm, Comfort/assistance/safety systems, Compressed Air Reserve system, CSS(Collision safety system), CTS(Clock and Time System), EBS(Brake System), EBS(Electronically Controlled Brake System), Electrohydraulic steering system(EHLA), EMS(Engine Management System), Engine management system, Engine System, FLA Flame starting system, GMS(Gearbox Control System), Instrumentation System, Lane departure alarm system, LAS(Lock and alarm system), LGS(Lane Guard System), MAN Marine Diagnostic System(MMDS), Meritor Wabco Brake System, MTS Modular door control system, RAS-EC1 steering system, Security System, SRS Supplemental restraint system, Suspension System, Torque converter and clutch system, TPM(Tires pressure Monitoring System), Transport Information System, Vehicle control system, Vehicle elctrical system power converter, VIS(Visibility System), VRDU Driver assistance system, WS Maintenance System, WTA(Auxiliary heating system water-to-air), ZVA Central locking system, etc.


6. Hardware Environment: 

Windows laptop, PC or PAD
CPU speed: more than 1.0G Hz
Memory: more than 1GB
Disk: more than 32 GB
Communication port: Wi-Fi or USB
Warranty: One Year
Software is free updating within 1 year from the date of product activation.
15-(2)2 3 4 6 8


Még nincsenek értékelések.

„Xtuner T1 professzionális teherautó, kamion gyári szintű diagnosztikai interfész” értékelése elsőként