- Elsődleges funkciók: Támogatja az obd2 motorrendszert + 25 visszaállítási szolgáltatást, beleértve: ABS Reset, SRS Reset, SAS Reset, EPB Reset, Olaj Service Reset, DPF Regeneration, TPMS Reset, TPS Reset, BRT Service, CVT, Injektor kódolás, Sebességváltó tanítás, kilométeróra állítás stb. Észleli a hibákat és egyetlen kattintással kezeli azokat.
- Széles jármű lefedettség: OBD2 Scan támogatás az 1996-2019 modellekre, ABS / SRS diagnózis több mint 58 autógyártmányhoz, olaj visszaállítás több mint 49 autógyártmányhoz, EPB visszaállítás 42 autógyártmányhoz, DPF regenerálás 33 autógyártmányhoz, TBA 30 autógyártmányhoz, SAS kalibrálás 41 autógyártmányhoz, TPMS adaptáció több mint 32 autó gyártásához stb. További modellek a frissítésekkel elérhetővé válnak.
- Élettartam frissítés ingyenesen: nem kell külön pénzt fizetnie a frissítésért, támogatja az élettartam frissítést online, mindig megkapja a legújabb hibajavításokat, új járműveket, és a további funkciókat a frissítésekkel. Az újonnan hozzáadott paraméterek és funkciók folyamatosan elérhetőek lesznek.
- Többnyelvű: 11 különböző nyelvet támogat, beleértve: angol, spanyol, portugál, francia, svéd, holland, japán, olasz, orosz, német, koreai. Kielégíti az ügyfelek igényeit a különböző országokban.
- Kiváló csomagolás: műanyag dobozban érkezik, gumírozott védelemmel rendelkezik, ellenáll az ütésnek és a sérülésnek. Biztosítja, hogy az eszköz hosszú ideig sértetlen maradjon.
- Megbízható szolgáltatás: 1 év garancia. Életre szóló technikai támogatás. Bármilyen probléma merül fel, keressen bizalommal.
FOXWELL NT650 Elite professzionális, speciális funkciós szkenner
- ABS és SRS diagnosztika
ABS teszt – teszteli az ABS motorokat, mágnesszelepeket, mágnesszelep-engedélyező reléket, EMB-ket és még sok mást.
ABS verzió teszt – megjeleníti a fékrendszer nevét és az ABS vezérlő verziószámát, a szoftver azonosítóját és a sorozat értékét.
Működtető teszt – teszteli az AYC szelepeket, a beömlő szelepeket, a kimeneti szelepeket, a szivattyú motorjait és a TRACS szelepeket.
Automatikus légtelenítési teszt – a fékek szervizelése után eltávolítja a levegőt a belső fékfolyadék kamrákból.
- Olajszolgáltatás visszaállítása
Lehetővé teszi a műszerfalon lévő szervízlámpák alaphelyzetbe állítását. A szervízjelző rendszert úgy tervezték, hogy figyelmeztesse a vezetőt, amikor a járművet szervízbe kell vinni.
- EPB, elektronikus rögzítőfék
Lehetővé teszi a fékrendszerek szervízelését és karbantartását, ideértve a fékvezérlő rendszer deaktiválását és aktiválását, a fékfolyadék kifúvatását, a fékbetétek nyitását és zárását, valamint a fékek beállítását a tárcsa vagy a betétcsere után, több olyan márkájú járműnél, ahol elektronikus fékrendszer van felszerelve.
4.BRT, elemcsere
Lehetővé teszi az új akkumulátor-hitelesítését, a hibák törlését az irányítópultról és a kijelzőről egyaránt.
- DPF, dízel részecskeszűrő regenerálás
Végezze el a DPF tisztítást, hogy a DPF szűrőbe befogott részecskék folyamatos égése révén eltávolítsa az eltömődést. Amikor a DPF regenerációs ciklus befejeződött, a DPF jelzőfénye automatikusan kialszik.
- TBA / TPS, fojtószelepház alaphelyzetbe állítása
A fojtószelepházban lévő fojtószelep-érzékelők használatával az ECU megtanulja a teljesen nyitott és a teljesen zárt helyzet különböző állapotának (alapjárat, fojtószelep, WOT) révén, a fojtószelepház beállítását (TBA)
- SAS, kormányszög-érzékelő kalibrálása
Lehetővé teszi a kormányszög-érzékelő kalibrálását.
- TPMS, abroncsnyomás-figyelő rendszer programozása
Lehetővé teszi a gumiabroncs-érzékelők azonosításának ellenőrzését a jármű ECU-jéből, valamint a TPMS programozását és visszaállítását a gumiabroncsok és / vagy a TPM-érzékelők cseréje és / vagy az abroncsok forgatása után.
- Sebességváltó tanítás
Forgattyústengely-helyzetérzékelő adaptív tanulása.
Ez a funkció a kompenzációs kód alaphelyzetbe állítására és az ECT inicializálására szolgál, miután a mágnesszelepet vagy a szeleptestet kicserélték.
- Kilométeróraállás
Ez a funkció lehetővé teszi a kilométer-számláló dátumának felülvizsgálatát és az eredeti dátum új kilométer-számlálóba történő beírását.
- Injektor kódolása
Ennek a funkciónak a célja az alaphelyzetbe állítás és az injektor cseréje utáni dátum egyeztetése.
- A / F beállítás
Ennek megfelelően változtassa meg az üzemanyag-ellátást, hogy megváltoztassa a kazán gőztermelését, és fenntartsa az égési folyamatban lévő energiamérleget.
- ABS vezérlés
ABS fékvezérlése, hogy a levegő kiáramlása után szilárd fékbetét legyen.
- Injektor adaptáció
- Ülésillesztés
- Fényszóró
- Nyelvváltás
- Ablak/ajtóelektronika
- Turbo
NT650 Elite: támogatja az összes OBD2 funkciót:
Kódok olvasása: megmutatja a diagnosztikai hibakód (DTC) részletes leírását
Kódok törlése és alaphelyzetbe állítása
Adatfolyam: Beolvassa és megjeleníti az élő ECU / PCM adatfolyamot, grafikusan ábrázolja a funkciókat és tárolja a rögzített keret adatokat.
I / M készenléti állapot: Megmutatja, hogy a jármű különböző emisszióval kapcsolatos rendszerei megfelelően működnek-e és készek-e az ellenőrzésre és a karbantartási tesztekre.
Élő adat olvasása: A járműből származó folyamatos adatfolyam adatainak megjelenítése élő grafikus (hullámforma) kijelzőn.
Keretadatok megtekintése: Ellenőrizze a jármű bizonyos feltételeit, amelyeket a fedélzeti számítógép rögzít a kibocsátással kapcsolatos hiba fellépésekor.
O2 érzékelő teszt: Lehetővé teszi az O2 érzékelő monitor teszt eredményeinek lekérését és megtekintését a legutóbb elvégzett tesztek számára a jármű fedélzeti számítógépéről.
Fedélzeti monitor teszt: lekéri és megjeleníti az emisszióval kapcsolatos erőátviteli alkatrészek és rendszerek vizsgálati eredményeit.
Olvassa el a jármű adatait: a VIN azonosítószám megjelenítése (jármű azonosító száma), CID (kalibrációs azonosító) és CVN (kalibrálás ellenőrző száma) stb.
Alkatrész teszt: Bizonyos járműalkatrészeket a szkennerből küldött parancsokkal lehet működtetni működésük tesztelésére.
Foxwell NT650 elite OBD2 diagnosztikai eszköz támogatott nyelvei:
Az eszköz csak 2 nyelvet tud telepíteni, az egyik az angol, a másikat pedig az alábbiak közül választhatja:
Korea, spanyol, portugál, francia, svéd, angol, holland, japán, olasz, német, orosz
Foxwell NT650 elite OBD2 motorellenőrzés:
Ázsia (2003-tól napjainkig):
Acura, Daewoo, Honda, Hyundai, Infiniti, Isuzu, Kia, Lexus, Mahindra, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Perodua (csak a malajziai piac számára), Proton (malajziai) Csak a piacon), Scion, Subaru, Suzuki, TATA, Toyota,
Európai (2001-től napjainkig):
Abarth, Alfa-Romeo, Audi, AstonMartin, BMW, Bugatti, Bentley, Citroen, Dacia, EU Ford, Fiat, Jaguar, Lancia, Land Rover, Maserati, Maybach, Mercedes Benz, Mini, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Saab, Seat, Skoda, Smart, Sprinter, Vauxhall, Volvo, VW
Amerika (1996-tól napjainkig):
Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram, Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, GM (a brazil autógyártót is), Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick számára
Kínai (2009-től napjainkig):
BYD-re, Brilliance-re, Chery-re, Chery_ne-re, Geely-re, Great Wall-ra, Karry-ra, Rely-re, Riich-re.
Nem támogatja a Ladát, UAZ-t, VAZ-t.
Foxwell NT650 elite reset funkciók támogatott listája:
MEGJEGYZÉS: néhány speciális funkció NEM minden autómodell esetében működik.
Kérjük, először olvassa el a támogatási listát.
Új funkciótámogatási lista
ABS vezérlés
a Lexus, a Scion, a BMW, a Mercedes-Benz, a Smart, a Fiat, a Lancia számára
Landrover, a Jaguár
Landrover, a Jaguár
Landrover, a Jaguár
AT adaptáció
Landrover, a Jaguár
Az Opel számára
EVAP teszt (SMOG teszt)
Landrover, a Jaguár
A gumiabroncs méretének módosítása
A Volvo számára
Landrover, a Jaguar, Abarth, Alfaromeo, a Fiat, a Lancia
Foxwell NT650 Elite: élethosszig tartó online frissítés
1 db x Foxwell NT650 elit vagy NT650
1 db x Felhasználói kézikönyv
1 db x memóriakártya
1 db x USB kábel
1 db x diagnosztikai kábel
1 db x kemény koffer
Nincs beépített lítium akkumulátor, NINCS töltő (nem kell tölteni), a bekapcsológomb csak kényszerített újraindításra szolgál, amikor teszteli az autót.
Angol leírás
The Most Cost-effective Professional Car Reset Service Tool
1.Powerful Functions: Support obd2 Engine system scan + 25 reset service,include ABS Reset, SRS Reset, SAS Reset, EPB Reset, Oil Service Reset, DPF Regeneration, TPMS Reset, TPS Reset, BRT Service, CVT, Injector coding, Gear Learning, Exchange Odometer etc., detect error and single click to clear quickly.
2.Wide Vehicle Coverage: OBD2 Scan support 1996-2019 models, ABS/SRS diagnosis for more than 58 car makes, oil reset for more than 49 car makes, EPB reset for 42 car makes, DPF regeneration for 33 car makes,TBA for 30 car makes, SAS calibration for 41 car makes, TPMS adaptation for more than 32 car makes,ect. more models will added with update.
3.Lifetime free Upgrade: you need’t pay extra money for update, support lifetime free update online, you will always have the latest bug fixes, new vehicles,more function will add with upgrade. newly added parameters and functionality at your fingertips.
4.Multilingual: support 11 kinds of language, include English,Spanish, Portuguese, French, Swedish, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, Russian, German, Korea, Meet the needs of customers in various countries.
5.Exquisite packaging: come with plastic box, a rubberized protects, resist impact and damage, ensure your scan tool will be around for a long time.
6.Intimate service: 1 years warranty. if it is broken druing the time, we can help you fix it for free. lifetime Technical Support. any problem, please feel free to contact me, i will reply in time.
FOXWELL NT650 Elite Professional Special Function Scanner
1.ABS & SRS Diagnostic
ABS Test – tests ABS motors, solenoids, solenoid enable relays, EMBs, and more.
ABS Version Test – displays the name of the brake system and the ABS controller version number, software ID, and sequence value.
Actuator Test – tests AYC valves, inlet valves, outlet valves, pump motors, and TRACS valves.
Auto Bleed Test– removes air from the internal brake fluid chambers after servicing the brakes
2.Oil Service Reset
Allows you to reset the service lamps on the instrument cluster. The Service Indicator System is designed to alert the driver when the vehicle is due for a service.
3.EPB, Electronic Parking Brake
allows you to perform the service and maintenance of brake systems,
including deactivation and activation of the brake control system, bleeding brake fluid, opening and closing brake pads, and setting brakes after disc or pad replacement, on multiple brands of vehicles where electronic brake systems are fitted.
4.BRT, Battery Replacement
Lets you to new battery validated, how to clear faults from the dashboard and display.
5.DPF, Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration
let you perform the DPF cleaning to clear the blockage through continuous burning of the particulates captured in the DPF filter. When a DPF regeneration cycle is completed, the DPF light automatically goes off.
6.TBA/TPS, Throttle Body Alignment
Using the throttle position sensors in the throttle body, the ECU learns the full open and full closed positions through various states (idle, part throttle, WOT) known as a Throttle Body Alignment (TBA)
7.SAS, Steering Angle Sensor Calibration
let you perform calibration of the Steering Angle Sensor.
8.TPMS, Tire Pressure Monitoring System Programming
allows you to check the tire sensor IDs from the vehicle ECU and to perform TPMS programming and reset after tires and/or TPM sensors are replaced and/or tires are rotated.
9.Gear Learning
Crankshaft position sensor adaptive learning.
This function is used to reset the compensation code and initialize the ECT after a solenoid valve or valve body assembly has been replaced.
This function allows you to revise the date of odometer and write the original date into new odometer.
12.Injector Coding
This function is to reset and match the date after injector is replaced.
13.A/F Adjust
Correspondingly change the fuel supply to change the steam production of boiler and maintanin the energy balance in the combustion process.
- ABS Bleeding
ABS brake bleeding to get a firm brake pad after air exhaustion.
- CLUTH adaptation
16.Seat Match
17.Cluth adaptation
18.Language Change
- Windowsdoor
and more……
NT650 Elite Support Full OBD2 functions:
Reading Codes: Show the detailed description of the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTCs)
Erasing Codes & Reset: Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL), clears codes and resets monitors.
Data Stream: Reads and displays live ECU/PCM data stream, plotting functions graphically and stores freeze frame data.
I/M Readiness Status: Shows whether the various emissions-related systems on the vehicle are operating properly and are ready for inspection and maintenance testing.
Read Live Data Stream: Show the information of continuous data stream from a vehicle in live graphic (waveform) display.
View Freeze Frame Data: Check the certain vehicle conditions which are recorded by the on-board computer at the time the emission-related fault occurs.
O2 Sensor Test: Allows retrieval and viewing of O2 sensor monitor test results for the most recently performed tests from the vehicle’s on-board computer.
On-Board Monitor Test: Retrieves and displays test results for emission-related powertrain components and systems.
Read Vehicle Information: Display the information such as VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), CID (Calibration ID) and CVN (Calibration verification number), etc.
Component Test: Certain vehicle components can be actuated by commands sent from the scanner to test their operability.
Fast VIN AutoDetect: Press „AutoVin” to quickly detect VIN module. it shows VIN, vehicle type, release year and engine type.
NOTE: not for all models, if it can’t do auto vin, please try manual select
Foxwell NT650 elite OBD2 Diagnostic Tool Supported Languages:
The device only can install 2 languages , one is English , the other one you can choose from the following :
Korea, Spanish, Portuguese, French,Swedish, English, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, German,Russian
Foxwell NT650 elite OBD2 Engine Check Support Vehicle Coverage:
Asia(2003 to now ):
for Acura, for Daewoo, for Honda, for Hyundai, for Infiniti, for Isuzu, for Kia, for Lexus, for Mahindra, for Mazda, for Mitsubishi, for Nissan, for Perodua(For Malaysian Market Only), for Proton(For Malaysian Market Only), for Scion, for Subaru, for Suzuki, for TATA , for Toyota,
European (2001-now ):
for Abarth, for Alfa-Romeo, for Audi, for AstonMartin, for BMW, for Bugatti, for Bentley, for Citroen, for Dacia, for EU Ford, for Fiat, for Jaguar, for Lancia, for Land Rover,for Maserati, for Maybach, for Mercedes Benz,for Mini, for Opel, for Peugeot, for Porsche, for Renault, for Saab, for Seat, for Skoda, for Smart, for Sprinter, for Vauxhall, for Volvo, for VW
America (1996-now ) :
For Chrysler, for Jeep, for Dodge, for Ram, for Ford, for Lincoln, for Mercury, for GM ( including brazilian car maker ), for Chevrolet, for Cadillac, for Buick
Chinese (2009-now):
For BYD, for Brilliance, for Chery, for Chery_ne, for Geely, for Great Wall, for Karry, for Rely, for Riich.
Does not support Lada , UAZ , VAZ .
Foxwell NT650 elite Reset Service Support Car List:
NOTE: These special function NOT for all car models, if you are confused, you can send your car brand, model and release year, I will check for you.
Please refer to the support list first.
New Function support List
ABS Bleeding
for Lexus, for Scion, for BMW, for Mercedes-Benz, for Smart, for Fiat, for Lancia
for Landrover, for Jaguar
for Landrover, for Jaguar
for Landrover, for Jaguar
AT Adaption
For Landrover, for Jaguar
Replace airbag ECU model
For Opel
EVAP Test (SMOG Test)
For Landrover, for Jaguar
Change Tire Size
For Volvo
For Landrover, for Jaguar, for Abarth, for Alfaromeo, for Fiat, for Lancia
Foxwell NT650 Elite Support Lifetime free update online
NOTE: NT650 Elite use new program to update. not foxscanner, please go to new website (check back of scanner) download FoxAssist. or you can contact me directly.
- Go to the Foxwell official website :Choose your product ,Under the page,click the Download,then download FoxAssist Installer.zip update clients software.
- Register foxwell account and complete the related information at FoxAssist client software .
- Connect NT650 Elite with computer by USB, click „Activation” menu.
- It can indentifies your sn number automatic, choose your sn number and click Activation
- Go to „Download” page, choose all software, and then click „upgrade”
- Wait several minutes, update will be done, enjoy new software
Package List:
1 pc x Foxwell NT650 elite or NT650
1 pc x User’s Guide
1 pc x Memory Card
1 pc x USB Cable
1 pc x Diagnostic Cable
1 pc x Blow Molding Case
NO Built-in lithium battery, NO Charger (needn’t charge), the power button is just for force restart when you test car.
FOXWELL NT650 Elite Professional Special Function Scanner
1.ABS & SRS Diagnostic ABS Test – tests ABS motors, solenoids, solenoid enable relays, EMBs, and more. ABS Version Test – displays the name of the brake system and the ABS controller version number, software ID, and sequence value. Actuator Test – tests AYC valves, inlet valves, outlet valves, pump motors, and TRACS valves. Auto Bleed Test– removes air from the internal brake fluid chambers after servicing the brakes 2.Oil Service Reset Allows you to reset the service lamps on the instrument cluster. The Service Indicator System is designed to alert the driver when the vehicle is due for a service. 3.EPB, Electronic Parking Brake allows you to perform the service and maintenance of brake systems, including deactivation and activation of the brake control system, bleeding brake fluid, opening and closing brake pads, and setting brakes after disc or pad replacement, on multiple brands of vehicles where electronic brake systems are fitted. 4.BRT, Battery Replacement Lets you to new battery validated, how to clear faults from the dashboard and display. 5.DPF, Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration let you perform the DPF cleaning to clear the blockage through continuous burning of the particulates captured in the DPF filter. When a DPF regeneration cycle is completed, the DPF light automatically goes off. 6.TBA/TPS, Throttle Body Alignment Using the throttle position sensors in the throttle body, the ECU learns the full open and full closed positions through various states (idle, part throttle, WOT) known as a Throttle Body Alignment (TBA) 7.SAS, Steering Angle Sensor Calibration let you perform calibration of the Steering Angle Sensor. 8.TPMS, Tire Pressure Monitoring System Programming allows you to check the tire sensor IDs from the vehicle ECU and to perform TPMS programming and reset after tires and/or TPM sensors are replaced and/or tires are rotated. 9.Gear Learning Crankshaft position sensor adaptive learning. 10.CVT This function is used to reset the compensation code and initialize the ECT after a solenoid valve or valve body assembly has been replaced. 11.Odometer This function allows you to revise the date of odometer and write the original date into new odometer. 12.Injector Coding This function is to reset and match the date after injector is replaced. 13.A/F Adjust Correspondingly change the fuel supply to change the steam production of boiler and maintanin the energy balance in the combustion process. 14. ABS Bleeding ABS brake bleeding to get a firm brake pad after air exhaustion. 15. CLUTH adaptation 16.Seat Match 17.Cluth adaptation 18.Language Change 19. Windowsdoor 20.Turbo 21.Headlamp and more……
NT650 Elite Support Full OBD2 functions:
Reading Codes: Show the detailed description of the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTCs) Erasing Codes & Reset: Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL), clears codes and resets monitors. Data Stream: Reads and displays live ECU/PCM data stream, plotting functions graphically and stores freeze frame data. I/M Readiness Status: Shows whether the various emissions-related systems on the vehicle are operating properly and are ready for inspection and maintenance testing. Read Live Data Stream: Show the information of continuous data stream from a vehicle in live graphic (waveform) display. View Freeze Frame Data: Check the certain vehicle conditions which are recorded by the on-board computer at the time the emission-related fault occurs. O2 Sensor Test: Allows retrieval and viewing of O2 sensor monitor test results for the most recently performed tests from the vehicle’s on-board computer. On-Board Monitor Test: Retrieves and displays test results for emission-related powertrain components and systems. Read Vehicle Information: Display the information such as VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), CID (Calibration ID) and CVN (Calibration verification number), etc. Component Test: Certain vehicle components can be actuated by commands sent from the scanner to test their operability.
Fast VIN AutoDetect: Press „AutoVin” to quickly detect VIN module. it shows VIN, vehicle type, release year and engine type.
NOTE: not for all models, if it can’t do auto vin, please try manual select
Foxwell NT650 elite OBD2 Diagnostic Tool Supported Languages:
The device only can install 2 languages , one is English , the other one you can choose from the following : Korea, Spanish, Portuguese, French,Swedish, English, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, German,Russian
Foxwell NT650 elite OBD2 Engine Check Support Vehicle Coverage:
Asia(2003 to now ): for Acura, for Daewoo, for Honda, for Hyundai, for Infiniti, for Isuzu, for Kia, for Lexus, for Mahindra, for Mazda, for Mitsubishi, for Nissan, for Perodua(For Malaysian Market Only), for Proton(For Malaysian Market Only), for Scion, for Subaru, for Suzuki, for TATA , for Toyota, European (2001-now ): for Abarth, for Alfa-Romeo, for Audi, for AstonMartin, for BMW, for Bugatti, for Bentley, for Citroen, for Dacia, for EU Ford, for Fiat, for Jaguar, for Lancia, for Land Rover,for Maserati, for Maybach, for Mercedes Benz,for Mini, for Opel, for Peugeot, for Porsche, for Renault, for Saab, for Seat, for Skoda, for Smart, for Sprinter, for Vauxhall, for Volvo, for VW America (1996-now ) : For Chrysler, for Jeep, for Dodge, for Ram, for Ford, for Lincoln, for Mercury, for GM ( including brazilian car maker ), for Chevrolet, for Cadillac, for Buick Chinese (2009-now): For BYD, for Brilliance, for Chery, for Chery_ne, for Geely, for Great Wall, for Karry, for Rely, for Riich. Does not support Lada , UAZ , VAZ .
Foxwell NT650 elite Reset Service Support Car List:
NOTE: These special function NOT for all car models, if you are confused, you can send your car brand, model and release year, I will check for you. Please refer to the support list first.
New Function support List
ABS Bleeding for Lexus, for Scion, for BMW, for Mercedes-Benz, for Smart, for Fiat, for Lancia Windowsdoor for Landrover, for Jaguar Turbo for Landrover, for Jaguar Headlamp for Landrover, for Jaguar AT Adaption For Landrover, for Jaguar Replace airbag ECU model For Opel EVAP Test (SMOG Test) For Landrover, for Jaguar Change Tire Size For Volvo Tcmoil For Landrover, for Jaguar, for Abarth, for Alfaromeo, for Fiat, for Lancia
Foxwell NT650 Elite Support Lifetime free update online
NOTE: NT650 Elite use new program to update. not foxscanner, please go to new website (check back of scanner) download FoxAssist. or you can contact me directly. 1. Go to the Foxwell official website :Choose your product ,Under the page,click the Download,then download FoxAssist Installer.zip update clients software. 2. Register foxwell account and complete the related information at FoxAssist client software . 3. Connect NT650 Elite with computer by USB, click „Activation” menu. 5. It can indentifies your sn number automatic, choose your sn number and click Activation 6. Go to „Download” page, choose all software, and then click „upgrade” 6. Wait several minutes, update will be done, enjoy new software
The Most Cost-effective Professional Car Reset Service Tool
1.Powerful Functions: Support obd2 Engine system scan + 25 reset service,include ABS Reset, SRS Reset, SAS Reset, EPB Reset, Oil Service Reset, DPF Regeneration, TPMS Reset, TPS Reset, BRT Service, CVT, Injector coding, Gear Learning, Exchange Odometer etc., detect error and single click to clear quickly.
2.Wide Vehicle Coverage: OBD2 Scan support 1996-2019 models, ABS/SRS diagnosis for more than 58 car makes, oil reset for more than 49 car makes, EPB reset for 42 car makes, DPF regeneration for 33 car makes,TBA for 30 car makes, SAS calibration for 41 car makes, TPMS adaptation for more than 32 car makes,ect. more models will added with update.
3.Lifetime free Upgrade: you need’t pay extra money for update, support lifetime free update online, you will always have the latest bug fixes, new vehicles,more function will add with upgrade. newly added parameters and functionality at your fingertips.
4.Multilingual: support 11 kinds of language, include English,Spanish, Portuguese, French, Swedish, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, Russian, German, Korea, Meet the needs of customers in various countries.
5.Exquisite packaging: come with plastic box, a rubberized protects, resist impact and damage, ensure your scan tool will be around for a long time.
6.Intimate service: 2 years warranty. if it is broken druing the time, we can help you fix it for free. lifetime Technical Support. any problem, please feel free to contact me, i will reply in time.
FOXWELL NT650 Elite Professional Special Function Scanner
1.ABS & SRS Diagnostic
ABS Test – tests ABS motors, solenoids, solenoid enable relays, EMBs, and more.
ABS Version Test – displays the name of the brake system and the ABS controller version number, software ID, and sequence value.
Actuator Test – tests AYC valves, inlet valves, outlet valves, pump motors, and TRACS valves.
Auto Bleed Test– removes air from the internal brake fluid chambers after servicing the brakes
2.Oil Service Reset
Allows you to reset the service lamps on the instrument cluster. The Service Indicator System is designed to alert the driver when the vehicle is due for a service.
3.EPB, Electronic Parking Brake
allows you to perform the service and maintenance of brake systems,
including deactivation and activation of the brake control system, bleeding brake fluid, opening and closing brake pads, and setting brakes after disc or pad replacement, on multiple brands of vehicles where electronic brake systems are fitted.
4.BRT, Battery Replacement
Lets you to new battery validated, how to clear faults from the dashboard and display.
5.DPF, Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration
let you perform the DPF cleaning to clear the blockage through continuous burning of the particulates captured in the DPF filter. When a DPF regeneration cycle is completed, the DPF light automatically goes off.
6.TBA/TPS, Throttle Body Alignment
Using the throttle position sensors in the throttle body, the ECU learns the full open and full closed positions through various states (idle, part throttle, WOT) known as a Throttle Body Alignment (TBA)
7.SAS, Steering Angle Sensor Calibration
let you perform calibration of the Steering Angle Sensor.
8.TPMS, Tire Pressure Monitoring System Programming
allows you to check the tire sensor IDs from the vehicle ECU and to perform TPMS programming and reset after tires and/or TPM sensors are replaced and/or tires are rotated.
9.Gear Learning
Crankshaft position sensor adaptive learning.
This function is used to reset the compensation code and initialize the ECT after a solenoid valve or valve body assembly has been replaced.
This function allows you to revise the date of odometer and write the original date into new odometer.
12.Injector Coding
This function is to reset and match the date after injector is replaced.
13.A/F Adjust
Correspondingly change the fuel supply to change the steam production of boiler and maintanin the energy balance in the combustion process.
- ABS Bleeding
ABS brake bleeding to get a firm brake pad after air exhaustion.
- CLUTH adaptation
16.Seat Match
17.Cluth adaptation
18.Language Change
- Windowsdoor
and more……
NT650 Elite Support Full OBD2 functions:
Reading Codes: Show the detailed description of the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTCs)
Erasing Codes & Reset: Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL), clears codes and resets monitors.
Data Stream: Reads and displays live ECU/PCM data stream, plotting functions graphically and stores freeze frame data.
I/M Readiness Status: Shows whether the various emissions-related systems on the vehicle are operating properly and are ready for inspection and maintenance testing.
Read Live Data Stream: Show the information of continuous data stream from a vehicle in live graphic (waveform) display.
View Freeze Frame Data: Check the certain vehicle conditions which are recorded by the on-board computer at the time the emission-related fault occurs.
O2 Sensor Test: Allows retrieval and viewing of O2 sensor monitor test results for the most recently performed tests from the vehicle’s on-board computer.
On-Board Monitor Test: Retrieves and displays test results for emission-related powertrain components and systems.
Read Vehicle Information: Display the information such as VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), CID (Calibration ID) and CVN (Calibration verification number), etc.
Component Test: Certain vehicle components can be actuated by commands sent from the scanner to test their operability.
Fast VIN AutoDetect: Press „AutoVin” to quickly detect VIN module. it shows VIN, vehicle type, release year and engine type.
NOTE: not for all models, if it can’t do auto vin, please try manual select
Foxwell NT650 elite OBD2 Diagnostic Tool Supported Languages:
The device only can install 2 languages , one is English , the other one you can choose from the following :
Korea, Spanish, Portuguese, French,Swedish, English, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, German,Russian
Foxwell NT650 elite OBD2 Engine Check Support Vehicle Coverage:
Asia(2003 to now ):
for Acura, for Daewoo, for Honda, for Hyundai, for Infiniti, for Isuzu, for Kia, for Lexus, for Mahindra, for Mazda, for Mitsubishi, for Nissan, for Perodua(For Malaysian Market Only), for Proton(For Malaysian Market Only), for Scion, for Subaru, for Suzuki, for TATA , for Toyota,
European (2001-now ):
for Abarth, for Alfa-Romeo, for Audi, for AstonMartin, for BMW, for Bugatti, for Bentley, for Citroen, for Dacia, for EU Ford, for Fiat, for Jaguar, for Lancia, for Land Rover,for Maserati, for Maybach, for Mercedes Benz,for Mini, for Opel, for Peugeot, for Porsche, for Renault, for Saab, for Seat, for Skoda, for Smart, for Sprinter, for Vauxhall, for Volvo, for VW
America (1996-now ) :
For Chrysler, for Jeep, for Dodge, for Ram, for Ford, for Lincoln, for Mercury, for GM ( including brazilian car maker ), for Chevrolet, for Cadillac, for Buick
Chinese (2009-now):
For BYD, for Brilliance, for Chery, for Chery_ne, for Geely, for Great Wall, for Karry, for Rely, for Riich.
Does not support Lada , UAZ , VAZ .
Foxwell NT650 elite Reset Service Support Car List:
NOTE: These special function NOT for all car models, if you are confused, you can send your car brand, model and release year, I will check for you.
Please refer to the support list first.
New Function support List
ABS Bleeding
for Lexus, for Scion, for BMW, for Mercedes-Benz, for Smart, for Fiat, for Lancia
for Landrover, for Jaguar
for Landrover, for Jaguar
for Landrover, for Jaguar
AT Adaption
For Landrover, for Jaguar
Replace airbag ECU model
For Opel
EVAP Test (SMOG Test)
For Landrover, for Jaguar
Change Tire Size
For Volvo
For Landrover, for Jaguar, for Abarth, for Alfaromeo, for Fiat, for Lancia
Foxwell NT650 Elite Support Lifetime free update online
NOTE: NT650 Elite use new program to update. not foxscanner, please go to new website (check back of scanner) download FoxAssist. or you can contact me directly.
- Go to the Foxwell official website :Choose your product ,Under the page,click the Download,then download FoxAssist Installer.zip update clients software.
- Register foxwell account and complete the related information at FoxAssist client software .
- Connect NT650 Elite with computer by USB, click „Activation” menu.
- It can indentifies your sn number automatic, choose your sn number and click Activation
- Go to „Download” page, choose all software, and then click „upgrade”
- Wait several minutes, update will be done, enjoy new software
Package List:
1 pc x Foxwell NT650 elite or NT650
1 pc x User’s Guide
1 pc x Memory Card
1 pc x USB Cable
1 pc x Diagnostic Cable
1 pc x Blow Molding Case
NO Built-in lithium battery, NO Charger (needn’t charge), the power button is just for force restart when you test car.
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