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A PowerScan Tool az eddigi legforradalmibb áramköri tesztelő. AVO méterrel, tesztlámpával, beépített zseblámpával, rövidzárlat jelzővel, relé / alkatrész-tesztelővel, folytonossági teszterrel és rossz tesztelési jelzővel rendelkezik. A PowerScan valóban a legjobb teljesítményt kínálja a megfizethetőség mellett, lehetővé téve a felhasználók számára, hogy egyetlen lépésben ellenőrizzék az áramköröket. Feltétlenül szükséges minden olyan szakember számára, aki gyors és pontos megoldást keres az elektromos rendszerek diagnosztikájára.


  • Minden szolgáltatást elvégez, beleértve az áramellátást, a mérést, a testelés ellenőrzését, a polaritás ellenőrzéseket, a folytonosság tesztet és az alkatrészek aktiválását
  • Biztosíték védett
  • AVO mérő lehetővé teszi a feszültség, az áram és az ellenállás egyszerű leolvasását
  • A főkapcsoló működtetésével azonnal tápfeszültséget / földelt kapnak az elektromos alkatrészek, például hűtőventilátorok, relék stb.
  • Azonnal ellenőrzi a kapcsolók, relék és diódák folytonosságát
  • A táp és test vezetéket egyidejűleg aktiválja az alkatrészek teszteléséhez
  • Azonosítja a pozitív, a negatív és a szakadt áramkört
  • Teszteli a rossz testelési érintkezéseket, lehetővé téve a szakadások gyors követését és felkutatását biztosítékok felesleges használata nélkül
  • A beépített elemlámpa
  • Az audio hangjelző lehetővé teszi a figyelés nélküli menü görgetését, ha a felhasználók megismerik a menütónus hozzárendeléseket
  • A 6 m (hosszabbítható) kábel kiváló hozzáférhetőséget biztosít a jármű mentén történő teszteléshez
  • Rendkívül könnyen használható és megbízható

Angol leírás

Autel PowerScan PS100 Generation Description:

Autel PowerScan PS100 is the best electrical tester for reducing diagnostic time in all 6- to 30-volt vehicle electrical systems. After a simple hook-up of the tool to the vehicle’s battery, you can:

1.Determine at a glance if a circuit is positive, negative, or open without having to reconnect clips from one battery pole to another.

2.Test for continuity with its built-in auxiliary ground lead.

3.By depressing the power switch, conduct a positive or negative battery current to the probe tip for testing the function of an electrical component without the use of jumper wires.

4.Test for poor ground contacts instantly without performing voltage drop tests. The tool is also short-circuit protected; its internal circuit breaker will trip if it becomes overloaded.

5.Follow and locate short circuits without wasting fuses. The tool’s long cable allows you to test along the entire length of the vehicle without constantly searching for suitable vehicle grounds.

Autel PowerScan PS100 Features:

Performs every type of service including power injection, measurement, ground testing, polarity checks, continuity testing and components activation

Easy to read AVOmeter allows you to read voltage, current and resistance at the fingertip

With a flip of the power switch, you have an instant hot/ground lead for powering up electrical components like cooling fans, relays, etc.

Simultaneously uses the hot lead and the ground lead to activate components right in your hand

Instantly identifies positive, negative and open circuits

Tests for bad ground contacts instantly, allowing you to follow and locate shorts fast without wasting fusesCircuit breaker protected

Built-in Flashlight enables you to work in the dark

Audio tone indicator allows for no-look menu scrolling once users are familiar with menu tone assignment

20ft (extendable) cable provides excellent accessibility to test along the vehicle

Extremely easy to use and highly reliable

Autel PowerScan PS100 Work Mode:

There are four modes to diagnose the electrical systems, which can be accessed by depressing the Mode Button and cycling through each one.

DC Voltage

While the tool in this mode, contact the probe tip to a circuit, then the LCD display will read the DC voltage with a resolution of 0.1 volt.

AC Voltage

While the tool in this mode, contact the probe tip to a circuit, then the LCD display will read the Max. voltage, the Min. voltage, frequency and duty cycle.


While the tool in this mode, contact the probe tip to a circuit, then the LCD display will read the resistance between the tip and auxiliary ground lead.

Tone On/Off

While the tool in this mode, just do a quick press of the mode button to toggle the tone on or off. While quickly pressing (a quick press and release) the mode button, if a short high beep is heard, this means the audio tone is turned on. If a short low beep is heard, the audio tone is turned off.

This function is invaluable when working in bright areas where LED illumination alone is not sufficient. The audio feature may be disengaged when desired, such as for applications where the tool will be connected to circuits for long periods of time and the audio could become annoying.

Autel PowerScan PS100 Specifications:

Display: TFT color display (160 x 128 dpi)

Operating Temperature: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)

External Power: 12.0 or 24.0 V power provided via vehicle battery

Length\Width\Height: 126mm(4.96″)\46.5mm(1.83″)\35mm(1.38″)

NW: 0.105kg (0.23lb),GW: 0.726 kg(1.6lb)

Autel PS100 FAQ:

1.Is the PowerScan Probe Tester computer and air bag safe?

The tool LED and LCD pull no more than 1 milliamp of current,therefore when using it as a test light or multimeter it is computer and airbag safe. However, pressing the power switch is a different story. When you press the switch forward, you are conducting full battery current to the tip of the probe. There is a nice safety feature built into the tool. Simply connect the extra ground lead to the tool and press the power switch forward until it trips the circuit breaker.This will prevent power from going to the tip but still allow you to use the tool as a multimeter. When you are away from computer components, simple press the reset button and you are ready to power up again.

2.Why do I have no power at the tip when I am pressing the power switch forward but the red LED is on?

The power switch goes through a lot. It is one of the few things that go wrong with the tool. The switch is a consumable that needs to be replaced on occasion. We have made it real simple to not only change it but also buy a new switch. The switch can be snapped out and replaced in seconds. You can buy switches from your Autel authorized tool supplier. The tool with the Rocker Switch slots makes it easy to replace a worn switch in the field without having to send it in for repair.

Autel PowerScan PS100 Package including:

1 × PowerScan PS100

1 × Rugged blow molded case

1 × 20ft. extension cable1 × Probe tip

1 × Battery hookup clips

1 × Cigarette lighter adapter

1 × User’s Manual


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