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A diagnosztikai  termékek optimális működéséhez ajánlott egy a webáruházunk által forgalmazott akkumulátortöltő/feszültségtartó készülékek egyike!  Termékek megtekintése


PROFESSZIONÁLIS  GYÁRI SZINTŰ DIAGNOSZTIKAI ESZKÖZ: Az Autel MaxiAP 200 megfelel az összes jelenlegi OBDI OBDII EOBD protokollnak, és nem csak a fő rendszerek (motor, légzsák, sebességváltó, ABS, SAS, SRS, EPB, DPF, TPMS stb.) hibakódjait tudja kiolvasni és törölni, hanem támogatja a karosszéria, alváz, hajtáslánc és az összes vezérlőmodul működését is.

OBD-SZINTŰ DIAGNOSZTIKA MINDEN AUTÓMÁRKÁHOZ: Lehetővé teszi a motorproblémák egyszerű diagnosztizálását és a figyelmeztető, check engine lámpa kikapcsolását. Nemcsak a kódok és a lehetséges okok pontos meghatározására képes, hanem az összes OBD tesztmódot is elvégzi, mint például a DTC (hibák) keresése, O2 szenzor teszt, emissziós és szmog teszt, élő adatfolyam, freeze frame adatok, EVAP rendszer teszt és diagnosztikai jelentések készítése.

AUTÓD EGÉSZSÉGÜGYI ÁLLAPOTA: Az Autel MaxiAP 200 képes kiolvasni a hibakódokat az összes fontos beépített elektronikus vezérlőegységből.  A diagnosztika elvégzése után a hibákról részletes listát kapsz, de nem minden hibakód jelent aktuális hibát (vannak múltbeli hibák is, melyek tájékoztató jellegűek). Töröld a hibákat, és végezd el újra a diagnosztikát. A megmaradt hibakódok az aktuális, jelenleg is aktív kódok, melyeket komolyan kell venni.

TÁMOGATOTTSÁG: Minden 1996-os és újabb benzinüzemű járművel működik. Támogat 15 különböző nyelvet, több mint 60 amerikai, ázsiai és európai járműmárkát és több mint 10 000 különböző járműtípust. Kompatibilis iPhone, iPad és Android készülékekkel.




1. Töltsd le az Autel MaxiAP200 alkalmazást a Google Play vagy az Apple Store áruházból percek alatt a telefonodra, és regisztrálj egy fiókot, majd válassz egy márkát a felsoroltak közül.

2. Csatlakoztasd az Autel MaxiAP200 szkennert a jármű OBD2 portjához, amely általában a műszerfal alatt, a vezető oldalán található.

3. Indítsd be az autódat.

4. Keresd meg a telepített program segítségével a hibakódokat.

A szoftver: Egy ingyenes szabadon választható járműszoftver jár hozzá a többi gyártó adatbázisát 21,99 USD/ márka IOS vagy Android esetén megvásárolható egyszerű bankkártyás fizetéssel.


Kompatibilis az 1996-ban vagy később gyártott benzines,  12V-os személygépkocsikkal, valamint a dieseles 2004-től gyártott 12V-os személygépkocsikkal és könnyű tehergépkocsikkal (nem elektromos), amelyek OBD II-kompatibilisek (J1708, J1939, J1850 VPM, J1850PWM, ISO9141, KWP 2000 és CAN).

Angol leírás

1. Simplified Edition of MK808, Firmware Version: V2.01

2. Convenient Usage: Bluetooth pairing

3. All OBDII functions are available and free

4. With One Free Vehicle Software + More Maker ($21.99 for IOS or Android)

5. Support up to 19 specific functions, including Oil Reset, EPB, BMS, SAS, DPF, TPMS, IMMO, etc.

6. Expand coverage with additional in-app purchase

7. Auto VIN technology identifies vehicles automatically (AutoVIN Retrieval Boost in Effectiveness)

8. Generate repair reports of tested vehicles and support PDF format for easy sharing and printing

9. Keep records of vehicles tested previously

10. 13 Languages Switch Freely: English, traditional Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Italian

The wireless diagnostic interface MaxiAP AP200 is a small interface adapter used to connect to a vehicle’s diagnostic connector (DLC) and connect with the Android or iOS device for vehicle data transmission, making your Android or iOS devices (hereinafter referred to as device or devices) a powerful diagnostic tool. The MaxiAP AP200 package includes a Bluetooth (BT) OBDII connector and a MaxiAP200 app. It is the perfect Do-It-Yourself tool for customers looking for quick and easy diagnostic functions of all systems. It is almost compatible with all vehicle models of European, Asian, and North America makes.

Autel AP200, as an innovative Bluetooth OBD2 scanner, equipped with its own App -“Maxi AP200”, complete OBD2 functions, along with various reset services (Oil/EPB/BMS/TPMS/SAS Resets, DPF Regeneration and IMMO Service etc.), is a compact option for family DIYers to troubleshoot vehicle’s issues in no time.



1. BLUETOOTH CONNECTION: This portable OBD2 scanner is characterized by Bluetooth connection, and you can download the free APP “MaxiAP200” on your iOS or Android devices to get the car diagnosis going on without any worries about the compatibility.

2. VERSATILE CAR DIAGNOSIS: As an innovative obd2 scan tool, this AP200 includes but is not limited to OBD2 functions, it also provides users with a wide variety of reset services including Oil/EPB/BMS/TPMS/SAS Resets, DPF Regeneration and IMMO Service.

3. HIGH COST PERFORMANCE: This obd2 scanner offers one free vehicle-specific software allowing you to diagnose one car for free, and you need to spend only $21.99(iOS/Android) buying 12-month use permission of one more car model.

4. SPECIAL AUTOVIN FEATURE: The Auto VIN function of the AP200 helps quickly reveal car’s info, including the vehicle type, country of origin, engine size, etc. and the report about the car info can be transformed as PDF file for better PC Printing.

5. HISTORY RECORDING DISPLAY: While offering you detailed diagnostic result, this car scanner is capable of recording history diagnostic information and the history recordings can be used as an effective data reference in the period of car diagnosis.

6. Unrivalled Economical Scanner: As tempting as this obd2 scanner looks, you might just further stimulate appetite when you see its price tag (much lower than MK808’s while sharing almost the same powerful features). Along with the 12-month nationwide , it is ideal for any family Dyers looking for quality yet effective diagnostic device.




1). With superior systems diagnoses, this multipurpose obd2 scanner can be used to read all available systems’ ECU information to facilitate the vehicle diagnosis. The complete systems vary from different cars and they usually include Engine, transmission, ABS, SRS, SAS, TPMS, EPB and Fuel systems etc.

2). Read DTCs from the vehicle’s control systems to locate problem areas, and offer solutions;

3). Erase the codes easily after DTCs retrieving and certain repairs have been carried out;

4). Live data shows each parameter item displayed in analog, text, waveform graph modes etc.;

5). The active test used to access vehicle-specific subsystem and component tests.


This Bluetooth OBD2 scanner is specially designed to provide you with quick access to the vehicle systems for various scheduled service and maintenance performances. There is some commonly-used special reset services are listed for your reference:

1). Oil Reset – Perform reset for the Engine Oil Life system, which calculates an optimal oil life change interval depending on the vehicle driving conditions and climate.

2). EPB Reset – Maintain the electronic braking system safely and effectively by deactivating and activating the brake control system, setting brakes after disc or pad replacement, etc.

3). BMS Reset – Evaluate the battery charge state, monitor the close-circuit current, register the battery replacement, and activate the rest state of the vehicle.

4). SAS Reset – perform calibration for the Steering Angle Sensor, which permanently stores the current steering wheel position as the straight-ahead position in the sensor EEPROM.

5). TPMS Reset – quickly look up the tire sensor IDs from the vehicle’s ECU, as well as to perform TPMS replacement and sensor test.

6). IMMO Service – Disable the lost vehicle keys and program the replacement key fob.

7). DPF Regeneration – Manage DPF regeneration, DPF component replacement teach-in and DPF teach-in after replacing the engine control unit.


1. Read extensive current, pending and permanent codes in OBD system quickly

2. Clear detected fault codes and turn off the Check Engine Light efficiently

3. View graphical live data of vehicle’s computer module(s) for easy analyses

4. View the vehicle’s operating parameters at the moment a DTC is detected

5. Read I/M readiness status to have a vehicle inspected for state emissions compliance

6. Perform O2 sensor test to check fuel efficiency and vehicle emissions

7. Read the results of on-board diagnostic monitoring tests for specific components/systems

8. Retrieve the vehicle information of VIN, CINs, and CVNs completely

9. Perform the component Test by allowing initiating a leak test for the vehicle’s EVAP system

4. 10 Modes of OBD2: The fast-access option „EOBD” for OBD II/EOBD vehicle diagnosis to check for DTCs, isolate the cause of an illuminatedmal function indicator lamp (MIL), check monitor status prior to emissions certification testing, verify repairs, and perform a number of other services that are emissions-related.


I/M Readiness

Live Data

On-Board Monitor

Component Test

Vehicle Information

Vehicle Status

5. Other Functions:

AutoVIN technology identifies vehicles automatically.

Generate repair reports of tested vehicles and support PDF format for easy sharing and printing.

Keep records of vehicles tested previously.


How to Use Autel MaxiAP AP200?

1. Download and install the app-MaxiAP200 in Google Play or App Store to your device;

2. Register and log in the MaxiAP200 APP;

3. Get one free car software through Mall after binding VCI for the first time;

4. Plug the MaxiAP200 tool into the vehicle’s Data Link Connector (DLC);

5. Turn on the vehicle ignition while turn the engine off;

6.Tap Me/Setting button of your device to pair the MaxiAP AP200 with your device;

7. Start to diagnose your car.


How to Update Autel MaxiAP AP200?

1. The installed vehicle-specific software can be seen on the Home Screen. When a new version is available, an update button will display. Tap the button to update the software.

2. Tap Me -> VCI Management -> Detect firmware to update the firmware if a new version is available.

Autel MaxiAP AP200 Print Function:

1. For iOS devices, the saved report can be printed via the Print function on the device.

2. For Android devices, download and install a third-party Print app to print the saved report

Note: The device needs to be connected with a printer to print.


Commnications: BL 4.2 Dual-Mode

Wireless Frequency: 2.4 GHz

Input Voltage Range: 9VDC to 26 VDC

Supply Current: 100mA@12 V

Sleep Mode Current: 3 mA@12 V

Operating Temp: 0℃ to 50℃

Storage Temp: -20℃ to 70℃

Dimensions(L*W*H): 59.2mm(2.33″)*48.5mm(1.91″)*24.6mm(0.97″)

Weight: 35g (0.07lb.)

Package includes:

1pc x Autel MaxiAP AP200


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